

Hi there stranger! Welcome to my blog, where I will try my best to provide accurate and honest information about all things college.
Hello there!
Me: I'm currently a senior at a small private university in northern California. I have plenty of experience with campus organizations (I'm currently a member of the English Club, Pep Band, and a professional fraternity), university life, and study abroad (I went to England! Cheers!). Though, as my lovely roommate just pointed out to me, there is still a lot have yet to experience. I'll give you insight into what I know and have experienced, and we can explore the rest together!

This Blog: My goal is to provide the type of information you won't be able to find on other "college advice" sites, like how to procrastinate and misconceptions about sex and alcohol. I have plenty more ideas that I can't wait to share with you, but I would also love suggestions! Is there anything you want to know about college? Or anything you wish you'd known? Comments are welcome and appreciated!

I hope that you enjoy my blog and find something that will either help you or make you smile (hopefully both!)

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