
Friday, January 25, 2013

College Lessons Learned the Hard Way

There comes a time in every young person’s life when they make really stupid decisions and think afterwards “how did I not see that coming”. This is called growing up, and it takes forever.

I may not have tried car surfing or gone to class drunk, but I’ve still done many things worthy of a face palm. Here are some lessons I have learned, so you won’t make the same mistakes – not that you would.

·         Lesson #1: Do not put plastic plates in the oven. They melt.

·         Lesson #2: When moving into your dorm, do not fill a suitcase with bottled water. Your room might be on the third floor and your arms will be very sore tomorrow. The water might taste funny for a while, but you’ll get used to it eventually.

·         Lesson #3: Watch where you’re walking – university campuses are crawling with bikes, joggers, skateboards, and golf carts – well, at my school anyway. I can’t believe I’ve almost survived four years without being run over.

·         Lesson #4: Don’t trust printers, any of them. As soon as you think you know a printer, it will turn on you. Waiting till the last minute to print something important is risky business. Leave enough time to run to the library before class, or to beg the librarian for help if you’re already there.

·         Lesson #5: Posters take a long time to make. They take even longer if you want them to look like they were made by a competent adult and not a seven year old boy. Don’t plan on throwing a poster together in two hours flat, unless you have amazing friends that will help you glue stuff down last minute – but it will not look pretty.

It may be useful during your college experience to keep a list of the lessons you have learned –wouldn’t want to forget and stick another plastic plate in the oven!

Leave a comment and tell me what your silliest mistakes have been!


  1. Haha! This is awesome advice! I can tell that number 2 is a story I'd like to hear sometime!
    And number 4 is the truest thing I've ever read!

    1. Thanks Kelsey! I think we've all wanted to kill a printer at one time or another!
