
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dorm Decorating Tips: Cheap, Easy, and Fun!

Whether you're moving into a college dorm or an apartment, you may walk into your empty room on day one and think "I'm living in a prison cell". But don't worry! Decorating can be cheap, easy, and even FUN! Here are some of the ways my roommate and I have fixed up our rooms over the past few years.

1. Bulletin boards and white boards are cool... and also really useful:

I use my white board to write anything happening during the week.
I keep my schedule on my cork board, right above my desk.

I put this on my cork board just because it makes me smile. Keep a look out for fun little sayings on fortune cookies or even clothing tags (that's where my Snoopy came from!)

Keep reading for more fun decorating ideas!

2. What do you love? Put it on the wall!

This flag was actually a SCARF I found while studying abroad
(in the UK, in case you couldn't guess) 

Wall decals are super cute and pretty affordable (I found this for about $6 at Ross!)
Also, it's totally OK to bring your favorite stuffed animal, no one will judge you.

This is my wall of quotes. I've found most of them on the internet, but I know people who put funny quotes from their friends.
It can be a great conversation starter!
(White boards like this are also great to hang on outside your door
so hall mates can leave you messages!)

A calendar is a must. I bought this cute Hamster(!!!) themed calendar at the Dollar Store!

My roomie likes Batman... and bats.
(You can get cute cut-outs - like the bat - at the Dollar Store!)

3. Use space effectively... Flat surface? Decorate it!

Display your favorite books or movies!
And you can keep spare change in a cute container (like that little bucket or a coffee mug!)

They can watch you while you eat...

4. Bathrooms can look nice too!

Plants can liven anything up!
And I found the pink trash can and matching toilet brush at Ross for a pretty good price.

5. When all else fails... Ron Weasley!

 Yes, we have a life-size Ron Weasley cut-out.
And yes, we like to dress him up.


  1. I love this! The quote wall idea is wonderful, I totally have one too. Also, creepy stuffed animals on the microwave? I think I need that for my place. Along with a Ron Weasley cut out, fo sho! :)
