
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Surviving Your Mid-Semester Crisis

There will come a time when it feels like the whole world is crashing down on you. Whether it’s because you procrastinated or because your professors are conspiring against you, I’ve got some five steps that will help you get through this. Because you will get through this! At least that’s what I’m telling myself right about now.

            First: Repeat after me “I can’t do everything, and that’s OK”.

            Second: It’s time to prioritize. Make a list (either on paper or in your head. I have to stop myself from actually writing out lists because I spend way too much time on them and I never follow through and then I get mad at myself.) What do you need to get done (FYI: going to class and doing your homework should be on this list!) and what can wait (you can file your taxes next week, you can do your laundry on the weekend, etc). Usually I wouldn’t endorse procrastination (OK, maybe I would), but just be sure that you aren’t creating an even worse situation for yourself down the road.

            Third: Do something every day that will keep you sane. Some people need to exercise, some need to meditate, others may need to write. Whatever it is that makes you happy and relieves stress, don’t take that out of your schedule to save time.

            Fourth: Cut out the things that you struggle with (besides obligations, like school and work). Here is an example: if you are trying to lose weight and you hate exercising, don’t push it. Physical health is important, but so is mental health. If it’s just going to add more stress to your plate, take a break for a few days. If you put it down on your schedule and you don’t get to it, you’re just going to end up beating yourself up about it, and that won’t help anyone. Just don’t fall too far off the wagon (step away from the extra-large nachos!) and be sure to get back on when you get things under control.

            Fifth: We are human and we all have limits. Like the earth, we have limited resources. If you put 100% of your effort into 100% of the things you do, you’re going to run out of energy. Maybe, just this once, you have to turn in a paper that you know you could have done better on. If that paper is worth 10% of your grade and you get a 75% on it, your grade only drops 2.5 percentage points. That’s not ideal, but it’s not the end of the world.

Those are my tips; let me know if you have any more to share. We can help each other make it through this mid-semester madness!

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