
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Post Graduation Musings

Me... and my brother's arm
           I graduated from college one month ago. It was fabulous and wonderful and even a little sad. Suddenly I’m not a student anymore. And that’s a bit jarring.
         I’ve been trying to adjust to this new life; even though it’s really not any different that last summer or the summer before, it feels different. The dynamic with my parents is changing, I’m suddenly worrying about money all the time, I feel so stuck because I’m once again working at the deli and living at home when I really want to move away and start my dream career - or really any career. And now that I can no longer identify as a student, I’m more confused about who I am than ever before. I’m not even sure I know who I want to be anymore! But then again, did I ever know?

            I’m once again thinking about law school. If I’m still stuck a year from now, I will choose law school over deli work in a heartbeat. But s that really what I want to base my future career path on? I think not.

            I would love to go into publishing or marketing, but all of the jobs I apply for seem like long shots and I don’t know how to break into the field. It makes me sad to know that I wont get to take classes in the fall, there is so much that I still want to learn. I'm especially wishing that I could take a computer class or a business class (but no, I do not regret majoring in English and I do not think that my degree can be blamed for my current deli-girl status. I should have done internships and gotten more work experience before graduating.)
Walking into the unknown!
It looks like a bright future!
(Was that too cheesy?)

            I just want to know what I’m meant to do with my life so I can get on with it! Is that too much to ask for?! I guess so.

            For the first time in my life I’m no longer a student. So it’s time to figure out what I want to be next! That should be exciting, even if it is a little scary.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jury Duty For Beginners

When will you know you've become an adult? Maybe it's when you walk through the court house doors to serve your very first jury duty! Probably not, but you never know.

Not everyone gets as excited about jury duty as me, but it's really not that bad.

Here's What Happens:
1.  You'll get your jury summons (I believe this starts happening after you register to vote) with instructions to call a number the night before your court date. I had three cancelled jury summons before I finally got to go to court, and even that one had been postponed by two days.

 2.  Your jury summons will probably come with a parking permit, be sure to place it on your dashboard where it will be seen so you don’t get a ticket. Then make your way into the courthouse! Be sure you're on time.

3.  You’ll go through security. Your bag may be checked or sent through a scanner just like at the airport, and you’ll go through a metal detector. One sign said “Leave Your Knives in the Car”, so if you didn't already know that, there you go.

4.  Then begins the waiting and standing in lines. There were about 50 other jurors on the day when I went in, and it was a little disorganized. We had to fill out a brief form to make sure our contact information was current and to sign something I probably should have read more thoroughly because I don’t remember what it said. Then we moved into the courtroom.

5.  We were sworn in as one giant group and the judged introduced the lawyers and the defendant and briefed us on the bare basics of the case. After that we filled out a questionnaire. I can’t tell you about anything after that from personal experience, but for most cases you may get a break (maybe an hour for lunch, or just some time to kill in the courthouse) and then the jury will be chosen and the case will begin.
I always recommend some John Green!

1.  Bring a book (or something small and entertaining). Your first instinct might be to play Angry Birds on your phone (if you have one of those fancy phones, I don’t) but it might be a good idea to bring something non-electronic because you shouldn’t be on your phone in the court room. Pay attention when the judge is speaking or the Bailiff is giving instruction, but in my case there was about 15 minutes of downtime while we were waiting for the other jurors to file into the room and sit down.

2.  Bring a small purse or bag with just the essentials. If the security guards have to search it manually you don’t want them to have to wade through a sea of lipstick, tampons, and old receipts.

3. Pay attention. The Bailiff had to repeat herself far too many times and people asked some really stupid questions. Don’t be that juror that everyone rolls their eyes at. Listen when you’re being given information, and write it down if you need to.

4. Dress comfortably. I wore black slacks and a nice blouse, and I was the best dressed juror there. This may be different in the city than in my little mountain town, but people looked very casual. And it makes sense to dress comfortably; you may be sitting for a very long time. Wear layers so you’ll be comfortable whether it’s over air conditioned or hot and stuffy. The only dress code I noticed was a sign that said “NO SHORTS or HATS in the Jury Room”.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Freshman Flashbacks - A Look Back Before Graduation

This is just a heads up that this is a more personal post rather than an informative post. I shared my knowledge, now it's time to share some of my experiences! Expect more personal posts in the future (with more Tips and Tricks as well!)

I will graduate from college in 2 days. Among the many things on my mind right now (essays, finals, finding a job) is freshman year. Who I was, how I felt, what I expected.

I remember standing in the hall of my dorm after moving in and watching my parents walk down the hall and leave. They did not cry, like in the movies. Instead, they hugged me goodbye and walked away. I watched them disappear around the corner and the tears that had been collecting on the rims of my eyes spilled over. I stared at the wall where they had been for just a second, then I walked back into my room, closed the door, and just stared at my new room with its blank white walls and unmade bed. Just like that, I was alone and my life was different.

I was a different person then than I am now. I was so shy, even though I’d already made so much progress the year before. I was closed off, without even realizing it. And I was scared, but brave.

I’m still shy, but it’s nowhere near the same as it was then. Social situations still make me nervous, but it’s not paralyzing anymore. I can still be very awkward and it can still be embarrassing, but I’m more aware of it now and willing to push past it. I never thought I could be as outgoing and friendly as I am now. There is still progress to be made, but past me would be proud.

Back then I wanted to make friends more than anything. I’ve never had more friends than I have now. I still struggle to form close friendships, but it’s something I’m working on. I have a best friend and a tight group of friends that I have grown to love – and that makes me SO happy.

I’m still scared of all sorts of things (talking to professors, asking for favors, going to large social events). But last year I hopped on a plane – for the first time ever – and flew to England where I studied abroad for 5 months and faced so many fears. I always thought that being scared and being brave were the opposite, but now I know that you can’t have one without the other. It wouldn’t be an act of bravery if there wasn’t something to fear.

It took me a long time to see that I had been brave all along: In high school I went to homecoming freshman year by myself with no plans of meeting up with friends (brave or lame?); I applied for college even though my parents told me we couldn’t afford it (I also applied for the FAFSA); I moved to a city where I knew no one and I started over. It was one of the bravest, and one of the best things I’ve ever done.

I’m proud of who I am now, but I’m also proud of who I was then. I was shy and awkward and scared, but I was also strong and smart and brave. And, most important of all, I was willing to change. And I still am.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Good Luck on Finals! And an Update!

Hey there college students! Or future college students! This is just a blog update to let you know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, it's just that time of year when college students everywhere substitute caffeine for sleep, bang their heads against their desks in anguish, and curse the essay gods for unreasonable page requirements.

Yes, it's finals time!!! But it's not all bad because there's only one week of classes left, one week of exams, and then... GRADUATION!!! Well, graduation for us seniors anyway <insert evil laugh>.

But, to all my lovely blog readers, I would like to wish you all a Merry Finals and a Happy New Semester (that did not work as I planned). Good Luck on Finals!!

I also just want to briefly say that this blog is going to be changing. But don't fret, all things must change. Hopefully it is a change for the better. The tone may become more casual, the posts may become more personal, and I might end up doing more late-night blogging (which results in the odd sort of writing I'm doing now!). The next two weeks are super busy, but I will hopefully find time to post at least once. After that, the content of my blog will transition from all college themed to college and post-college themed! Because I'm graduating (in case you missed that before)!

I'm excited for this new chapter of my life and I'm excited to share what I learn with you!

Thank you for reading! Now, go show those finals who's boss!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Find Time To Read In College (For Fun!)

My stack of books to read just
keeps getting bigger!
This week my friend Mary Jo is going to tell you how she finds time to read (for fun!) in college. I'm excited to be getting another prospective on my blog and this is a great topic for anyone who misses reading books that aren't going to be torn to shreds by your professor! You can find a link to her awesome ya book review blog below, so be sure to check it out!
Hey there, readers! I’m Mary Jo, and Allison has been kind enough to offer me the chance to do guest post. You can normally find me at where I review quality books intended for teen and young adult readers, because teen readers are capable of critical thought, too. Head on over to read Allison’s guest post on The Key to the Golden Firebird by Maureen Johnson, and hopefully you’ll stick around! J

So, fellow almost-adults, I have a confession. As an English major (especially one who runs a book review blog), I am terrible at keeping up with reading. Not reading for classes (Although, yeah, that is also a thing…) but reading for fun. Since enrolling in 2010, I’ve maybe read about… 15 books for pleasure. In high school, I read that much in a month.

But between classes, papers, and assigned reading for class there isn’t much time. I remember a professor asking my critical theory class what the last novel we had read in our spare time was, and everyone was silent. It had been so long since anyone had picked up a book in their spare time, we had to wrack our brains and it was still difficult to remember the last book we had read.

And that is the trouble. What is “spare time”, and I where can I get some? Waiting until you are free to read means waiting until classes are out. That’s what happened to me, and by the time break rolled around, I had gotten out of habit. Which was terrifying.

It sounds silly, but bear with me for a second. Reading was always a big part of my life. Until college, I was always reading, the gaps between books was practically nonexistent. And, yeah, I will probably pay heavily for this escapist behavior in therapy bills later in life, but reading was second nature.

The fact that something so fundamentally “me” had changed because college got in the way.
Cue mental breakdown.

I needed to change this. I discovered one of the best ways to combat not reading was… not reading. Try listening instead. Go to your local library and pick up an audio book. I currently have a ton of John Green books (er… CDs?) sitting on my desk right now. Put them on in your car to listen as you drive to class or run errands, to make sure you get your literary fix.

Or go to to download free audio books. This is a great site. The audio books are strictly books that are in the public domain, so while they may not be recent bestsellers, there is probably crossover from you required reading for classes. Personally, I listened to Jane Eyre at the gym when I was taking Brit Lit. Running on the treadmill really put her aimless wandering in the countryside into perspective. The files show up in iTunes as podcasts to you can take them with you wherever: the gym, the walk to school, to work, or as my roommate does, listen to it before you go to sleep as a way to help wind down your night and get ready to rest.

Something that I’ve missed most is reading right before bed. What happens instead is I will end up doing homework till 2 am and then crash. So, treat it like the reward it is. Finish your allotted homework quota for the night- that way you can savor your book with a steaming mug of tea. Or Cocoa. Or… whatever you like to drink while you read, no judgment here.

Cheers! And thanks again to Allison for letting me take over for a day J
Mary Jo

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Celebrate Holidays Even If You Can't Go Home - College Quick Tip #2

You may not be able to go home for every holiday that you celebrate, but that doesn't mean that you can't make the day special! Celebrate with friends! Try to do something tradtional, and something not-so-traditional.

Your univerisity might even host some sort of holiday-themed event. My college is usually deserted during holiday breaks and weekends, but for Thanksgiving they organize a very nice dinner for students who can't be with family.

Neither my roomate or I went home for Easter this year, instead we dyed a dozen eggs (not sure how we're going to eat that many!), baked cookies, and watched a movie! It was an easy, fun, and affordable way to make the day festive!

HAPPY EASTER! (And if you're not reading this on Easter, then, happy whatever day it is!)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Top 5 College Tips

Here are my top 5 college tips for soon-to-be college freshmen (or current students). I'll be writing more in-depth posts about each of these in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Tip #1: Don't resist change

College is not high school (Halleluya!) and within a few weeks of starting - maybe even before that - you will not be the same person you were in high school. Let's be honest, it's probably for the best.

Call your parents, but don't let them make your decisions and fight your battles.

Keep in touch with friends back home and friends who went to other universities, but don't spend every weekend driving back to visit them (this goes for boyfriends and girlfriends too!).

If there's something about yourself that you want to change (it was shyness for me) this is the best time to start working on that. Don't be frustrated if it doesn't happen over night, but gradually you will come to understand yourself more and to, hopefully, like yourself more.

Tip #2 : Try to make friends wherever you go

I'm not going to say college doesn't have cliques, but all sorts of people become friends, especially in the first few weeks. You could find your best friend in the cafeteria, the university library, your classes, your residence hall, or sleeping right next to you in your dorm room (that was not meant to sound so creepy!).

And don't worry about not fitting in, there is a place for litterally everyone at college and eventually you will find where you belong. Here's a link to my full post about making friends in college

I studied abroad in Chester, England.
A beautiful and lively little city that I will always love.

Tip #3. Study Abroad if you can.

I never thought this would be an option for me becuase of money, but don't be so quick to write it off! A large portion of your financial aid could transfer if you go through the right program and you can try to find additional scholarships to help you pay for the costs. Talk to the study abroad advisor at your university to learn about your financial options.

I did have to take out additional loans but in the grand scheme of things it's not that much more than I would have paid for a semester at home (I'll be honest and tell you that by the time I graduate I'll have taken out $50,000 in loans, by studying abroad I only added about $2,000 to that total.)

Tip #4. Start making connections with your professors as soon as possible

A time will come when you will need to ask at least one of them for a letter of recomendation and you don't want to spend a month hyperventalating about choosing one to ask and fearing that they will reject you (not that I know anything about that).

Try to ask a question on the first day (maybe about the syllabus), if it's a discussion-based class try to add to the conversation at least once per class period, and go to see them during office hours in the first few weeks.

Forming a relationship with your professors will certainly be harder at some schools than others (I'm lucky to have gone to a small university with professors who are really easy to get in touch with). But no matter where you go it will be easier developing that relationship over several semesters than in your final year.

My university organized a trip to San Francisco for incoming
freshman. We had fun, bonded, and did community service!

Tip #5. Take advantage of the services your university offers

This can include a career resource center, counciling services, a gym, knowledgable and helpful librarians, free events (with free food and free shirts!), guest lecturers, a nutritionist, sporting events, opportunities to make connections with alumni, and partially sponsored travel opportunites (and those are just the ones off the top of my head!).

You're paying A LOT to study at that university, so get you money's worth!

Oh, and go to class! Seriously! You're paying somewhere near $100 per hour for your classes, so sleeping through a class is a very expensive nap.
Those are my top 5 college tips, but you never can be too prepared, so if you need more college tips check out these other posts:

What are your top 5 college tips (or tips for high school, life, whatever!)? Leave a comment, I'd love to know! Also let me know if there's anything you'd like me to see me blog about!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Professor

Even our favorite professors get on our nerves sometimes and we just want to give them a piece of our mind. But most of the time it's just better to bite your tongue, and maybe think of a mean nickname that you will never utter out loud. That will show them! Here are 5 other things that you should never say to your professor:

1. "I was busy doing homework for a different class" Some classes are more important than others, just don't tell your teacher that theirs is the one that's on the bottom of your list!

2. "That is not ironic/symbolic" Maybe your teacher is reading into that Shakespeare quote way too much, but that's part of the fun. Just go with it, or ask them to explain further.

3. "I wrote the entire essay in the 3 hours before class" What your professor doesn't know won't hurt them... or influence their grading of your paper.

4. "I don't remember reading about that part in the Sparknotes" I LOVE Sparknotes (a post on that is soon to come!) and I highly doubt that professors can really be that oblivious about how students manage to read a million pages in a week with everything else going on. But just in case they don't know, lets keep that little tool a secret amongst us students.

5. "Why did I even bother coming to class today?" We've all felt like this at some point (or at many points), but your teacher had to climb out of bed today too. We're all in the same boat, or sinking ship rather. They're just getting paid for it... and you're paying for it for the next twenty years. So don't waste your money sleeping through class!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Making Friends and Fitting In at College

For some people making friends is easy. For the rest of us it can be the scariest part of starting something new. But college is the best time to make friends, and the easiest too! The most important thing to remember as a freshman is that everyone wants to make friends as much as you do!

Here are my 7 steps for making friends and finding you place in College! (PS If you're not a freshman skip to #7)

1.     In Your First Few Weeks: be super friendly and start up conversations with random people, this is something that you can only get away with as a freshman, so take advantage of it. Don't be intimidated by upperclassmen, most of us get excited to meet freshman and hear about how they are liking school. The cafeteria is a great place to start making friends, so sit down with someone you don't know and introduce yourself!

2.     The first few weeks of college will be the best time to start making friends, but don't worry if you haven't found your future bestie after one month. Many of the friends you make at the beginning will start to slowly drift away and be replaced with people that you have more in common with and get along better with. This may sound harsh, but everyone will find their place eventually.

3.     Join clubs and organizations in the first few months. Attend your school's club fair at the beginning of the year and find something that sounds interesting to you. Don't overwhelm yourself with ten different organizations, but pick 1-3 and start going to their meetings! You might not love them after the first meeting, but give them a few weeks. If you still aren't enjoying yourself or making friends after five meetings, then you can consider leaving the club or sticking with it to see if it gets better. In all likelihood it will get better and you will start making friends.

4.     When second semester starts consider joining another organization or rushing for a fraternity or sorority. I didn't know when I started at university that there was such a thing as a professional fraternity, and my opinion of social fraternities was low. But I know so many people who have made so many friends through groups like these. A warning though: rushing and pledging will likely be a big time commitment.

5.     Keep trying! Fitting in and making friends does not happen over night, and it is harder for some than for others. Don't compare yourself with everyone else. And know that a lot of people may not be as popular as they seem. When you get to know your peers you might just find that they get lonely too.

6.     Get out there and try something new! I read something once that said "do what scares you", I think this is a perfect motto for college. If you decide to go to a school event ask yourself "what's the worst thing that could happen?" It's probably not that bad. If you've always wanted to learn how to play tennis, sign up for a class! If you've love World of War Craft, there's probably a student organization centered around gamers. And if you can't seem to find a club or a class that piques your interest, find some students and start your own club!

7.     It's never too late to start making friends! You will gain friends and lose friends during your time at college. If you're feeling lonely or like you don't fit in, you just need to keep trying and keep putting yourself out there. You're never going to make friends sitting alone in your room eating Nutella by the spoonful! Join a new club at the beginning of the semester and start meeting new people! You might think it's odd to join clubs after your first year and it seems like everyone else is already settled, but it's really not. Regard every semester as a new start!

Taking a short trip with new friends is a great way to bond!
This photo is from when I studied abroad in England.
We all became closer after a few days exploring London!
Your four (or more) years in college will leave you with tons of awesome memories, and some lifelong friends. If you were shy in high school and had a hard time making friends, don't start freaking out! College is your chance for a fresh start. So immerse yourself in clubs and school activities and you might find that you're not as shy as you were last year! The university is a place of change and growth, so get out there and start becoming who you want to be!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

College Quick Tip: Show Your School Spirit!

Starting this week I'm going to be posting a "College Quick Tip" every week, along with my longer posts! So, lets start it off with some school spirit!

  • You'll get lots of free shirts during your time at college, collect as many as you can! They're great to wear on any jeans-and-t-shirt kind of day and perfect to wear to sporting events. Sometimes you'll end up with a massive extra large shirt, but they're still great for sleeping in or cutting up for art projects (like quilts and pillows). Or you can cut them up so that they fit better (check YouTube for tons of great how-to videos!)
  • Go to sporting events, even if you think you don't like sports. They can be really fun, I swear! Even if you don't really understand the rules you can still get really into the game.
  • Join a club like the pep band or spirit team, or whatever. You should join lots of clubs and organizations while in college, and this is a great place to start. You'll meet people from outside of your classes and residence halls and you'll have fun cheering on your team!

I joined my university's Pep Band my freshman year!
We just returned from the Big West basketball championship game.
We amped up our school spirit with music, chants, signs, and face paint!
Our team won!!!
My attempt at a fierce face! I need to work on that!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Choosing a Major and Not Regretting It

Deciding what to study in college feels like deciding what you want to spend the rest of your life doing. That can be daunting. Especially when everyone around you seems to have known their true calling since they were in kindergarten. But no one really knows what they will be doing five years down the road. And, while this is an important decision, it will not lock you into one path for the rest of your life.

I like to use my brother as an example: He got his degree in micro-biology, and he currently has a very respectable job selling computer software to large companies. It's honestly a bit too complicated for me to really understand, but it has nothing to do with biology. And yet, he does not regret his course of study and it is in fact that degree, among other things, which helped him to start his career in the computer software industry.
This is the book my mom gave my brother
when he graduated from junior college!
It's funny how things work out!

Lately I've been stressed out trying to deal with school while looking for jobs and internships to apply for. There have been moments when I wish my passion had been for science or business, or something practical like that. I even took the LSAT and almost applied to law school. But the mere thought of three years of nothing but law classes makes my stomach churn.

I have friends studying science and a brother in nursing school and they know exactly the type of job they want to apply for. I don't even know where to start. But just because I can't see where I'll be in six months, doesn't mean that I don't have a future. There are prospects out there, I just have to work a little bit harder to find them.

I read something the other day that said "minor in something that you love, major in something that will get your a job". I can't remember who said it, but I'm guessing it was either a bitter liberal arts major who struggled to find a decent job or some logical person who studied math but whose real passion was for film. On its face, this seems like good advice, but no matter what choose you will be studying it for four years. Don't major (or minor) in something that you don't like. You don't have to love it, but you should like it.

I will NEVER regret my choice to be an English major, no matter where I end up in twelve months or twelve years. I got to study what I loved for four years. I enjoyed every single English class I took and I loved my professors. That cannot be said for my general education courses. But I also do not regret minoring in pre-law, even if I never go to law school. And I wish I had taken a computer class and a marketing class.

My main piece of advice is to take a wide variety of classes that sound interesting to you during your first year or two of college. You will get a feel for what you love, what you never want anything to do with ever again, and what you might like to learn more about. It's OK if you end up taking a few courses that do not contribute directly to your degree, you will learn about what you want to do for the rest of your life and gain knowledge that could help you land a job in the future.

Also, remember that this choice will not dictate the rest of your life. It's far to stressful to decide on your whole future when you're 18, or even 21! Do what makes you happy and try new things, you never know what you are going to love.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stay Healthy in College and Beat the "Freshman 15"

We've all heard of the dreaded "freshman 15". And some of us have experienced it. But the truth is that no two college experiences are the same, and that includes experiences with weight. Some gain weight, some loose weight, and some stay the same. And it's important to remember that weight isn't the only thing that matters when it comes to health.

It can be really tough to try to get healthy while dealing with school and trying to have a social life. Some times health is put on the back-burner, but I've got some easy tips to help you make simple changes.

#1. Exercising Can Be Fun... Kinda
Some lucky people love working out, for the rest of us it can feel like torture. Make it a little more bearable by listening to music or recorded lectures to distract yourself. I like exercise videos because they force me to work my whole body and they're not monotonous like the treadmill. (but if you aren't on the ground floor of your building, you might be more comfortable at the gym rather than wondering what your neighbors will think of your loud noises).

You can get workout videos for cheap at Ross, the Grocery Outlet, and even the Dollar Store. Or, you can head over to YouTube right now! I recommend this 10 minute workout from two cute British guys, or this video in which they appear shirtless.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

5 Tips for Being Safe while Drinking

Hey there college students! This is just a friendly reminder to be safe over spring break! Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind when drinking:

1. Use the buddy system - keep an eye out for your friends and be sure they keep an eye out for you. Talk about limits before you go somewhere (like: "do not let me go home with a stranger" or "don't let me have more than three drinks") It may seem like common sense to you, but be sure you're on the same page

2. Don't take drinks from strangers or set your drink down - to avoid being drugged.

3. Decide on you limits before you start drinking - and count how many drinks you have. (Remember, in general a shot, a small glass of wine, and a beer all contain the same amount of alcohol. But sometimes they can be bigger, so watch out).

4. NEVER drive while intoxicated and don't let your friends either - Get a taxi, take a bus, or walk (but always make sure you're not alone). There are plenty of other options. Some places may even have shuttles, if you're staying at a hotel ask about this.

5. Know your limits - This can be hard if you aren't used to drinking, but take it slow and don't feel pressured to keep up with anyone else. Know that alcohol will effect you more if you haven't eaten or if you're small. Also, if you are taking any medications check to see if it's safe to drink while on them.

Those are my 5 basic, common-sense tips for being safe when drinking, let me know if you have any others!

PLEASE be safe no matter what you are doing over spring break. And remember, it's totally normal to spend your spring break at home with your parents too =)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Surviving Your Mid-Semester Crisis

There will come a time when it feels like the whole world is crashing down on you. Whether it’s because you procrastinated or because your professors are conspiring against you, I’ve got some five steps that will help you get through this. Because you will get through this! At least that’s what I’m telling myself right about now.

            First: Repeat after me “I can’t do everything, and that’s OK”.

            Second: It’s time to prioritize. Make a list (either on paper or in your head. I have to stop myself from actually writing out lists because I spend way too much time on them and I never follow through and then I get mad at myself.) What do you need to get done (FYI: going to class and doing your homework should be on this list!) and what can wait (you can file your taxes next week, you can do your laundry on the weekend, etc). Usually I wouldn’t endorse procrastination (OK, maybe I would), but just be sure that you aren’t creating an even worse situation for yourself down the road.

            Third: Do something every day that will keep you sane. Some people need to exercise, some need to meditate, others may need to write. Whatever it is that makes you happy and relieves stress, don’t take that out of your schedule to save time.

            Fourth: Cut out the things that you struggle with (besides obligations, like school and work). Here is an example: if you are trying to lose weight and you hate exercising, don’t push it. Physical health is important, but so is mental health. If it’s just going to add more stress to your plate, take a break for a few days. If you put it down on your schedule and you don’t get to it, you’re just going to end up beating yourself up about it, and that won’t help anyone. Just don’t fall too far off the wagon (step away from the extra-large nachos!) and be sure to get back on when you get things under control.

            Fifth: We are human and we all have limits. Like the earth, we have limited resources. If you put 100% of your effort into 100% of the things you do, you’re going to run out of energy. Maybe, just this once, you have to turn in a paper that you know you could have done better on. If that paper is worth 10% of your grade and you get a 75% on it, your grade only drops 2.5 percentage points. That’s not ideal, but it’s not the end of the world.

Those are my tips; let me know if you have any more to share. We can help each other make it through this mid-semester madness!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rejected By Your First Choice Univeristy? It's Gonna Be OK

This has probably happened to more people than are willing to admit it. But it’s not as bad as it seems, so take a deep breath.

You were rejected because of your ambition; you had high hopes and high expectations for yourself. That’s great! Don’t hate on yourself for that. Give yourself a pat on the back for aiming too high, it’s always better than aiming too low.

If you’ve got the rejection blues  check out this video on YouTube.  I only found it recently, but it would have made me feel better back when I was rejected.

And if you need more cheering up, here’s my story of rejection and how it all turned out for the best:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tips for Visiting College Campuses

Whether you’re a high school senior deciding where to spend your next four years, a sophomore deciding which schools to apply for in the fall, or a current college student looking to transfer schools, I’ve got a few tips for you while you visit college campuses:

1.    Visit more than one school: Even if you already have your heart set on one school, visit a few others. If you only visit one campus, you have nothing to compare it to! Besides, you should always have a backup school (or several). I wasn’t accepted to my first choice school, but I LOVE where I ended up! (P.S. I will be writing a post on getting rejected next week!)

2.    Take a Tour: Sign up with the university’s admissions office to take a guided tour. You’ll learn stuff about the school that current students probably don’t even know and you’ll be able to ask you tour guide (who is probably a current student) questions when the tour is finished.

3.    Sit in on a class: While you’re signing up for a tour, ask the admissions office about sitting in on a class. You will be spending a lot of time in class, and while no two professors are the same, it’s still a great way to get a feel for how things work at your college.

4.    Find a random student and ask them some questions: Pick someone who doesn’t look like they’re in a hurry and if you’re a little hesitant you can start with asking something simple like “can you tell me how to get to the library”. After they answer, tell them you’re a prospective student and ask them how they like the school. You could also ask them what they most dislike about the school or if they have any advice for freshmen. It may be intimidating to walk up to a stranger and ask them a question, but 95% of us won't mind spending a few minutes answering your questions and it’s a great way to get honest information about the school.

Good luck to everyone choosing a college this spring, I hope this post helped! It can be a tough choice, but if you do a bit of research you can start school next fall knowing that you made the right decision. That will be one less thing to stress over as a freshman!

Leave a comment and let me know if you have any questions about choosing a school or if you have any advice!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sex and Alcohol: College Misconceptions

There are two things that most people think about when they think of college: SEX and ALCOHOL. College is a time for going to crazy parties, drinking too much, and going home with random guy or gal… or is it? Let’s talk about these two ideas and to what extent they're true.

Monday, February 11, 2013

FAFSA Tips!!! Keep Calm and Just Do It!

It's that time of year again! FAFSA time!

If you're like me that means it's time to bang your head against the desk and groan loudly. For those of us who rely on the FAFSA this can be a stressful time. And it's even more stressful for those of use whose parents have complicated taxes.

Lucky for me, I have filed my last FAFSA (unless I go to grad school...) Which brings me to the most important point: One day you won't have to deal the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, one day this torture will end! Rejoice in that and buckle down and get it done, because the sooner the better!

Keep reading for 6 Tips to help you make it through FAFSA season with your sanity intact!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dorm Decorating Tips: Cheap, Easy, and Fun!

Whether you're moving into a college dorm or an apartment, you may walk into your empty room on day one and think "I'm living in a prison cell". But don't worry! Decorating can be cheap, easy, and even FUN! Here are some of the ways my roommate and I have fixed up our rooms over the past few years.

1. Bulletin boards and white boards are cool... and also really useful:

I use my white board to write anything happening during the week.
I keep my schedule on my cork board, right above my desk.

I put this on my cork board just because it makes me smile. Keep a look out for fun little sayings on fortune cookies or even clothing tags (that's where my Snoopy came from!)

Keep reading for more fun decorating ideas!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Choosing Where to Live During College: On Campus, Off Campus, or At Home

Where Should I Live?!? This can seem like a daunting question for freshman who have to choose between on campus housing, off campus housing, or living at home. But have no fear! I'll give you all the information you need to make an informed decision!

Luckily, most incoming college freshman will not have much of a choice as to where they live – living at home may not be realistic for some while it may be necessary for others, living on campus may be required for freshmen at some universities, and living on their own may be too daunting for some.

But when a choice must be made, students should consider what factors are most important for them. Is money the number one issue, or is it safety, or perhaps obtaining the typical “college experience”? Each person must consider their own situation and should make their decision with the advice, and in some cases permission, of an adult.

My room in a small house I shared with 4 other girls last year.
Personally, I recommend that freshmen live in university housing if they have the means to do so. This allows students to transition into a more independent life gradually, offers the convenience of close proximity to food and classes, and allows for more opportunities to connect with fellow students.

But for many people the decision will not be so easy. Keep reading for more information on how the three housing options compare on the following issues:

·         Price – I will compare the costs of rent, utilities, food, and transportation.
·         Community Experience – I will examine the differences in social experiences.
·         Housing Facilities – I will consider the ways in which the accommodations may differ.